Concerned about zoning issues, housing availability and local control of city planning decisions? Join your fellow neighbors to address these issues and more.
WSSM is excited to be holding it’s first in-person Annual Meeting since the onset of the pandemic, on Tuesday evening, November 14th at Saint Timothy’s Church at the corner of Pico and Beverly Glen. Free parking is available in the St. Timothy lot on Pico Blvd, and adjacent residential streets.
There is no charge to attend. Dinner — free to paid up members and $10 for for non-paid members — will be available 6:30-7:15pm.
Learn What You Can Do About Current Neighborhood Issues and Concerns
The business meeting, beginning at 7:15pm, will feature a dynamic presentation by the founders of United Neighbors, Maria and Jeff Kalban. United Neighbors is a local and statewide coalition of neighborhood residential groups engaged in the common goal of protecting single and multi-family neighborhoods while supporting affordable and equitable housing for all. Maria is VP of the Sherman Oaks HOA and Jeff is an architect who chairs the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council’s Planning and Land Use Committee.
Maria and Jeff’s presentation will directly address our concerns with the City’s current efforts to up-zone residential neighborhoods through the Housing Element and WLA Community Planning process now underway. Learn how we can work together to stop the up-zoning efforts that now target our neighborhood, our single- family homes and older multi-family housing.
In addition to United Neighbors, we’ll have participation from representatives of the West LA Community Police Station, Councilmember Yaroslavsky’s CD5 office, and Congressmember Ted Lieu’s office. An organized and respectful question and answer format will be utilized to address neighborhood members’ concerns.
Visit Your Neighbors and Enjoy a Catered Dinner!
To celebrate our return to an in-person Annual Meeting, WSSM is inviting all 2023 dues paid members to be our guests for dinner.
Starting at 6:30 pm, attendees may enjoy an empanada dinner catered by The Empanada Factory . Meals will include 2 empanadas, a mixed green salad, dessert & beverage. Cost of the dinner (which is optional) for WSSM residents who have NOT paid their 2023 dues will be $10 per person. Dessert donations (potluck style) are invited and most welcome. Beverages and dessert will be available for all. RSVP for dinner by 11/12, by email: (subject: Dinner) or by phone to: (747) 666-7476. Include the following information:
- Your full name
- Dinner selection: choose from between either 2 beef empanadas, 2 chicken empanadas, 1 beef and 1 chicken empanada, or vegetarian (1 mushroom & spinach, and 1 mozzarella, tomato, basil).
- Note your 2023 Dues Status. We will be confirming eligibility when you arrive.
If you wish to join WSSM now and/or pay your 2023-2024 dues online, you may do so by clicking on the following link: You may also pay at the door.
We look forward to meeting up again in person, and working together to keep our WSSM neighborhood a thriving community!